ER Vs. Your Dentist: How to Get Help Fast for Your Dental Emergency

April 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rooseveltdental @ 9:53 pm
Dentists rushing to help a patient

If you or someone you know has had to visit an emergency room or urgent care before, you’re aware of how long it can take medical staff to go through the queue. Sometimes it seems like everyone and their brother is in the same waiting room all at the same time.

When you experience a dental emergency, your first instinct might be to go to the ER. That’s what it’s for, right? Emergencies?

Yes, but it might be better and faster for you to call an emergency dentist instead. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of doctor, don’t worry. Keep reading so you know how to get the most efficient care possible for your emergency.

What Is an Emergency Dentist?

An emergency dentist is a dentist that’s also prepared to care for patients experiencing a dental emergency. Obviously, that’s a rather broad explanation, and one that doesn’t do you much good if you’re not sure what a dental emergency is. More specifically, emergency dentists are prepared to provide same-day care for patients suffering from:

  • Moderate to severe toothaches
  • A knocked out tooth
  • A damaged or lost restoration
  • Dental trauma
  • Signs of gum disease
  • A dental abscess
  • An object that’s stuck in teeth or gums and can’t be easily removed

This isn’t a complete list, but it should give you a good idea of the types of situations that could warrant services from an emergency dentist.

Why Is it Faster to Visit an Emergency Dentist for a Dental Emergency?

ERs can’t legally perform the treatments that are arguably most often required for dental emergencies. This is because your average ER usually doesn’t have staff trained in dental work, which requires specialization. Typically, if you need something like a tooth extraction or dental crown, they’ll do what they can to alleviate your immediate pain, then refer you to a local dentist.

Calling your emergency dentist first knocks out one step in the process, meaning you’ll see the “right” doctor faster. They’ll have all the right tools and equipment to quickly and efficiently assess your emergency, and if possible, get to work immediately. Less importantly but still a factor to consider, you’ll also save money by avoiding an ER bill.

When Should I Call an Emergency Dentist?

When in doubt, call your emergency dentist. They can guide you through first-aid techniques if necessary, and ask you detailed questions about your emergency to determine if you need same-day assistance or can wait for an available appointment.

Even if you’re pretty confident your toothache isn’t anything to be worried about, call your emergency dentist! Seemingly small problems can quickly develop into complex dental needs. It’s always better to investigate early.

About the Author

With her experience abroad and serving the veteran community, Dr. Jenny Miedema has seen it all. She knows how to take your dental emergency seriously while also making sure you’re comfortable during treatment. If you’re wondering whether you need a same-day appointment, give her office a call at 207-894-5580. For more information about her practice, visit her website. Dr. Miedema and her staff will make sure you’re taken care of!

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